Still learning Blender and have composed, if that’s the word, a scene for my cover. I’ve also sent a list of published works to my website guru.
And it’s only 1pm…Oops, lunchtime!
My latest published book, “Watershed” is on Kindle and tells of Fin, a beleaguered teen, who loses her parents, her job and her home in short order. She has older nightmare sibs, who basically throw her to the wolves. Fin has to deal with that and the cataclysmic rainfall which totally floods the entire country.
However, she has some help…
Homefront – got my flu jab yesterday, so have to take it easy. Covid Booster to follow shortly. Aren’t they great?
Over the weekend we have to prepare for the installation of the under stairs loo, which means moving boxes of stuff upstairs and out of the way. Ditto Bowie the cat and Maxie the dog. And my sewing box and knitting bag, because the lads will have to turn the power off. It’s all go, isn’t it?